Friday, May 27, 2011

Coffee Shop: Thoughts

As I sit here in a coffee shop waiting for my car, I cannot help but notice the unique sounds, smells, and tastes filling the space around me. People chattering and laughing, the sound of the barista at the espresso machine, unique music playing just above the dull roar of the patrons and the double doors swinging open and slamming shut. The smell of roasted coffee beans and sweet pastries fill the air. As I sit here enjoying an iced coffee in my new reusable cup, I can't help but notice the beauty and life bustling around me in this little coffee shop.

I know that in my daily life I do not stop often to notice the amazing beauty surrounding me. Just looking at how perfectly our human bodies function, smiles of people I have never met, colors that are splashed everywhere, all these things I take for granted. Though it is almost half way through 2011, it is never too late for a resolution, therefore I vow to better notice and appreciate the beauty around me.

We are all in this together. We are not getting out alive. While I am here, I want to love madly. I want to be loved deeply. I want to appreciate all things, good and bad. And most of all, I want to be treated with kindness and dignity.

Think about how different things would beef we all wanted these things...

Eternal Love,